Source code for platon.transit_depth_calculator

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys

from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, UnivariateSpline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import integrate
import scipy.interpolate

from ._compatible_loader import load_dict_from_pickle
from .abundance_getter import AbundanceGetter
from ._species_data_reader import read_species_data
from . import _interpolator_3D
from ._tau_calculator import get_line_of_sight_tau
from .constants import k_B, AMU, M_sun, Teff_sun, G, h, c
from ._get_data import get_data

[docs]class TransitDepthCalculator:
[docs] def __init__(self, include_condensation=True, min_P_profile=0.1, max_P_profile=1e5, num_profile_heights=400): ''' All physical parameters are in SI. Parameters ---------- include_condensation : bool Whether to use equilibrium abundances that take condensation into account. min_P_profile : float For the radiative transfer calculation, the atmosphere is divided into zones. This is the pressure at the topmost zone. max_P_profile: float The pressure at the bottommost zone of the atmosphere num_profile_heights : int The number of zones the atmosphere is divided into ''' if not os.path.isdir(resource_filename(__name__, "data/")): get_data(resource_filename(__name__, "./")) self.stellar_spectra = load_dict_from_pickle( resource_filename(__name__, "data/stellar_spectra.pkl")) self.absorption_data, self.mass_data, self.polarizability_data = read_species_data( resource_filename(__name__, "data/Absorption"), resource_filename(__name__, "data/species_info")) self.collisional_absorption_data = load_dict_from_pickle( resource_filename(__name__, "data/collisional_absorption.pkl")) self.lambda_grid = np.load( resource_filename(__name__, "data/wavelengths.npy")) self.P_grid = np.load( resource_filename(__name__, "data/pressures.npy")) self.T_grid = np.load( resource_filename(__name__, "data/temperatures.npy")) self.N_lambda = len(self.lambda_grid) self.N_T = len(self.T_grid) self.N_P = len(self.P_grid) P_meshgrid, lambda_meshgrid, T_meshgrid = np.meshgrid( self.P_grid, self.lambda_grid, self.T_grid) self.P_meshgrid = P_meshgrid self.T_meshgrid = T_meshgrid self.wavelength_rebinned = False self.wavelength_bins = None self.abundance_getter = AbundanceGetter(include_condensation) self.min_P_profile = min_P_profile self.max_P_profile = max_P_profile self.num_profile_heights = num_profile_heights if min_P_profile <= self.P_grid[0] or min_P_profile >= self.P_grid[-1]: raise ValueError( "min_P_profile {} Pa out of bounds ({} to {} Pa)".format( min_P_profile, self.P_grid[0], self.P_grid[-1])) if max_P_profile <= self.P_grid[0] or max_P_profile >= self.P_grid[-1]: raise ValueError( "max_P_profile {} Pa out of bounds ({} to {} Pa)".format( max_P_profile, self.P_grid[0], self.P_grid[-1])) if min_P_profile >= max_P_profile: raise ValueError("min_P_profile must be less than max_P_profile")
[docs] def change_wavelength_bins(self, bins): """Specify wavelength bins, instead of using the full wavelength grid in self.lambda_grid. This makes the code much faster, as `compute_depths` will only compute depths at wavelengths that fall within a bin. Parameters ---------- bins : array_like, shape (N,2) Wavelength bins, where bins[i][0] is the start wavelength and bins[i][1] is the end wavelength for bin i. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Raised when `change_wavelength_bins` is called more than once, which is not supported. """ if self.wavelength_rebinned: raise NotImplementedError("Multiple re-binnings not yet supported") self.wavelength_rebinned = True self.wavelength_bins = bins cond = np.any([np.logical_and(self.lambda_grid > start, self.lambda_grid < end) for (start,end) in bins], axis=0) for key in self.absorption_data: self.absorption_data[key] = self.absorption_data[key][cond] for key in self.collisional_absorption_data: self.collisional_absorption_data[key] = self.collisional_absorption_data[key][cond] self.lambda_grid = self.lambda_grid[cond] self.N_lambda = len(self.lambda_grid) P_meshgrid, lambda_meshgrid, T_meshgrid = np.meshgrid(self.P_grid, self.lambda_grid, self.T_grid) self.P_meshgrid = P_meshgrid self.T_meshgrid = T_meshgrid for Teff in self.stellar_spectra: self.stellar_spectra[Teff] = self.stellar_spectra[Teff][cond]
def _get_gas_absorption(self, abundances, P_cond, T_cond): absorption_coeff = np.zeros((self.N_lambda, np.sum(P_cond), np.sum(T_cond))) for species_name, species_abundance in abundances.items(): assert(species_abundance.shape == (self.N_P, self.N_T)) if species_name in self.absorption_data: absorption_coeff += self.absorption_data[species_name][:,P_cond,:][:,:,T_cond] * species_abundance[P_cond,:][:,T_cond] return absorption_coeff def _get_scattering_absorption(self, abundances, P_cond, T_cond, multiple=1, slope=4, ref_wavelength=1e-6): sum_polarizability_sqr = np.zeros((np.sum(P_cond), np.sum(T_cond))) for species_name in abundances: if species_name in self.polarizability_data: sum_polarizability_sqr += abundances[species_name][P_cond,:][:,T_cond] * self.polarizability_data[species_name]**2 n = self.P_meshgrid[:,P_cond,:][:,:,T_cond]/(k_B*self.T_meshgrid[:,P_cond,:][:,:,T_cond]) reshaped_lambda = self.lambda_grid.reshape((self.N_lambda, 1, 1)) return multiple * (128.0/3 * np.pi**5) * n * sum_polarizability_sqr * ref_wavelength**(slope-4) / reshaped_lambda**slope def _get_collisional_absorption(self, abundances, P_cond, T_cond): absorption_coeff = np.zeros((self.N_lambda, np.sum(P_cond), np.sum(T_cond))) n = self.P_meshgrid[:,P_cond,:][:,:,T_cond]/(k_B * self.T_meshgrid[:,P_cond,:][:,:,T_cond]) for s1, s2 in self.collisional_absorption_data: if s1 in abundances and s2 in abundances: n1 = (abundances[s1][P_cond, :][:,T_cond]*n) n2 = (abundances[s2][P_cond, :][:,T_cond]*n) abs_data = self.collisional_absorption_data[(s1,s2)].reshape((self.N_lambda, 1, self.N_T))[:,:,T_cond] absorption_coeff += abs_data * n1 * n2 return absorption_coeff def _get_above_cloud_r_and_dr(self, P_profile, T_profile, abundances, planet_mass, planet_radius, star_radius, above_cloud_cond, T_star=None): assert(len(P_profile) == len(T_profile)) # First, get atmospheric weight profile g = G * planet_mass/planet_radius**2 mu = np.zeros(len(P_profile)) for species_name in abundances: interpolator = RectBivariateSpline(self.P_grid, self.T_grid, abundances[species_name], kx=1, ky=1) atm_abundances = interpolator.ev(P_profile, T_profile) mu += atm_abundances * self.mass_data[species_name] mu_interpolator = UnivariateSpline(P_profile, mu) T_interpolator = UnivariateSpline(P_profile, T_profile) # Ensure that the atmosphere is bound by making rough estimates of the # Hill radius and atmospheric height if T_star is None: T_star = Teff_sun R_hill = 0.5*star_radius*(T_star/T_profile[0])**2 * (planet_mass/(3*M_sun))**(1.0/3) scale_height = k_B*np.mean(T_profile)*planet_radius**2/(np.mean(mu) * AMU * G * planet_mass) atm_height_estimate = np.log(P_profile[-1]/P_profile[0]) * scale_height if atm_height_estimate > R_hill: raise ValueError("Atmosphere unbound: height > hill radius") # Solve the hydrostatic equation def hydrostatic(y, P): r = y + planet_radius T_local = T_interpolator(P) local_mu = mu_interpolator(P) rho = local_mu*P*AMU / (k_B * T_local) dydP = -r**2/(G * planet_mass * rho) return dydP y0 = planet_radius radii_ode = planet_radius + integrate.odeint(hydrostatic, 0, P_profile[::-1])[:,0] dr = np.diff(radii_ode) dr = np.flipud(np.append(dr,k_B*T_profile[0]/(mu[0] * AMU * g))) radius_with_atm = planet_radius + np.sum(dr) radii = radius_with_atm - np.cumsum(dr) radii = np.append(radius_with_atm, radii[above_cloud_cond]) return radii, dr[above_cloud_cond] def _get_abundances_array(self, logZ, CO_ratio, custom_abundances): if custom_abundances is None: return self.abundance_getter.get(logZ, CO_ratio) if logZ is not None or CO_ratio is not None: raise ValueError("Must set logZ=None and CO_ratio=None to use custom_abundances") if type(custom_abundances) is str: # Interpret as filename return AbundanceGetter.from_file(custom_abundances) if type(custom_abundances) is dict: for key, value in custom_abundances.items(): if type(value) is not np.ndarray: raise ValueError("custom_abundances must map species names to arrays") if value.shape != (self.N_P, self.N_T): raise ValueError("custom_abundances has array of invalid size") return custom_abundances raise ValueError("Unrecognized format for custom_abundances") def _get_binned_depths(self, depths, T_star): if self.wavelength_bins is None: return self.lambda_grid, depths temperatures = list(self.stellar_spectra.keys()) if T_star is None: stellar_spectrum = np.ones(len(self.lambda_grid)) elif T_star >= np.min(temperatures) and T_star <= np.max(temperatures): interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( temperatures, list(self.stellar_spectra.values()), axis=0) stellar_spectrum = interpolator(T_star) else: stellar_spectrum = 1.0/self.lambda_grid**5/(np.exp(h*c/self.lambda_grid/k_B/T_star)-1) binned_wavelengths = [] binned_depths = [] for (start, end) in self.wavelength_bins: cond = np.logical_and(self.lambda_grid >= start, self.lambda_grid < end) binned_wavelengths.append(np.mean(self.lambda_grid[cond])) binned_depth = np.average(depths[cond], weights=stellar_spectrum[cond]) binned_depths.append(binned_depth) return np.array(binned_wavelengths), np.array(binned_depths) def _validate_params(self, temperature, logZ, CO_ratio, cloudtop_pressure): if temperature is not None: minimum = max(np.min(self.T_grid), self.abundance_getter.min_temperature) maximum = np.max(self.T_grid) if temperature < minimum or temperature > maximum: raise ValueError("Temperature {} K is out of bounds ({} to {} K)".format(temperature, minimum, maximum)) if logZ is not None: minimum = np.min(self.abundance_getter.logZs) maximum = np.max(self.abundance_getter.logZs) if logZ < minimum or logZ > maximum: raise ValueError("logZ {} is out of bounds ({} to {})".format(logZ, minimum, maximum)) if CO_ratio is not None: minimum = np.min(self.abundance_getter.CO_ratios) maximum = np.max(self.abundance_getter.CO_ratios) if CO_ratio < minimum or CO_ratio > maximum: raise ValueError("C/O ratio {} is out of bounds ({} to {})".format(CO_ratio, minimum, maximum)) if not np.isinf(cloudtop_pressure): minimum = self.min_P_profile maximum = self.max_P_profile if cloudtop_pressure <= minimum or cloudtop_pressure > maximum: raise ValueError("Cloudtop pressure is {} Pa, but must be between {} and {} Pa unless it is np.inf".format(cloudtop_pressure, minimum, maximum))
[docs] def compute_depths(self, star_radius, planet_mass, planet_radius, temperature, logZ=0, CO_ratio=0.53, add_scattering=True, scattering_factor=1, scattering_slope = 4, scattering_ref_wavelength = 1e-6, add_collisional_absorption=True, cloudtop_pressure=np.inf, custom_abundances=None, custom_T_profile=None, custom_P_profile=None, T_star=None): ''' Computes transit depths at a range of wavelengths, assuming an isothermal atmosphere. To choose bins, call change_wavelength_bins(). Parameters ---------- star_radius : float Radius of the star planet_mass : float Mass of the planet, in kg planet_radius : float radius of the planet at self.max_P_profile (by default, 100,000 Pa). Must be in metres. temperature : float Temperature of the isothermal atmosphere, in Kelvin logZ : float Base-10 logarithm of the metallicity, in solar units CO_ratio : float, optional C/O atomic ratio in the atmosphere. The solar value is 0.53. add_scattering : bool, optional whether Rayleigh scattering is taken into account scattering_factor : float, optional if `add_scattering` is True, make scattering this many times as strong. If `scattering_slope` is 4, corresponding to Rayleigh scattering, the absorption coefficients are simply multiplied by `scattering_factor`. If slope is not 4, `scattering_factor` is defined such that the absorption coefficient is that many times as strong as Rayleigh scattering at `scattering_ref_wavelength`. scattering_slope : float, optional Wavelength dependence of scattering, with 4 being Rayleigh. scattering_ref_wavelength : float, optional Scattering is `scattering_factor` as strong as Rayleigh at this wavelength, expressed in metres. add_collisional_absorption : float, optional Whether collisionally induced absorption is taken into account cloudtop_pressure : float, optional Pressure level (in Pa) below which light cannot penetrate. Use np.inf for a cloudless atmosphere. custom_abundances : str or dict of np.ndarray, optional If specified, overrides `logZ` and `CO_ratio`. Can specify a filename, in which case the abundances are read from a file in the format of the EOS/ files. These are identical to ExoTransmit's EOS files. It is also possible, though highly discouraged, to specify a dictionary mapping species names to numpy arrays, so that custom_abundances['Na'][3,4] would mean the fractional number abundance of Na at a pressure of self.P_grid[3] and temperature of self.T_grid[4]. custom_T_profile : array-like, optional If specified and custom_P_profile is also specified, divides the atmosphere into user-specified P/T points, instead of assuming an isothermal atmosphere with T = `temperature`. custom_P_profile : array-like, optional Must be specified along with `custom_T_profile` to use a custom P/T profile. Pressures must be in Pa. T_star : float, optional Effective temperature of the star. If you specify this and use wavelength binning, the wavelength binning becomes more accurate. Raises ------ ValueError Raised when invalid parameters are passed to the method Returns ------- wavelengths : array of float Central wavelengths, in metres transit_depths : array of float Transit depths at `wavelengths` ''' self._validate_params(temperature, logZ, CO_ratio, cloudtop_pressure) if custom_P_profile is not None: if custom_T_profile is None or len(custom_P_profile) != len(custom_T_profile): raise ValueError("Must specify both custom_T_profile and "\ "custom_P_profile, and the two must have the"\ " same length") if temperature is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both temperature and custom T profile") P_profile = custom_P_profile T_profile = custom_T_profile else: P_profile = np.logspace( np.log10(self.min_P_profile), np.log10(self.max_P_profile), self.num_profile_heights) T_profile = np.ones(len(P_profile)) * temperature abundances = self._get_abundances_array(logZ, CO_ratio, custom_abundances) above_clouds = P_profile < cloudtop_pressure radii, dr = self._get_above_cloud_r_and_dr( P_profile, T_profile, abundances, planet_mass, planet_radius, star_radius, above_clouds, T_star) P_profile = P_profile[above_clouds] T_profile = T_profile[above_clouds] T_cond = _interpolator_3D.get_condition_array(T_profile, self.T_grid) P_cond = _interpolator_3D.get_condition_array(P_profile, self.P_grid, cloudtop_pressure) absorption_coeff = self._get_gas_absorption(abundances, P_cond, T_cond) if add_scattering: absorption_coeff += self._get_scattering_absorption( abundances, P_cond, T_cond, scattering_factor, scattering_slope, scattering_ref_wavelength) if add_collisional_absorption: absorption_coeff += self._get_collisional_absorption(abundances, P_cond, T_cond) absorption_coeff_atm = _interpolator_3D.fast_interpolate(absorption_coeff, self.T_grid[T_cond], self.P_grid[P_cond], T_profile, P_profile) tau_los = get_line_of_sight_tau(absorption_coeff_atm, radii) absorption_fraction = 1 - np.exp(-tau_los) transit_depths = (planet_radius/star_radius)**2 + 2/star_radius**2 *[1:] * dr) return self._get_binned_depths(transit_depths, T_star)