Source code for platon.TP_profile

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special
import numpy as np

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from .constants import h, c, k_B, AMU, G

[docs]class Profile: def __init__(self, num_profile_heights=250): pressures = np.load( resource_filename(__name__, "data/pressures.npy")) self.pressures = np.logspace( np.log10(pressures[0]), np.log10(pressures[-1]), num_profile_heights)
[docs] def set_from_params_dict(self, profile_type, params_dict): if profile_type == "isothermal": self.set_isothermal(params_dict["T"]) elif profile_type == "parametric": self.set_parametric( params_dict["T0"], 10**params_dict["log_P1"], params_dict["alpha1"], params_dict["alpha2"], 10**params_dict["log_P3"], params_dict["T3"]) elif profile_type == "radiative_solution": self.set_from_radiative_solution(**params_dict) else: assert(False)
[docs] def set_from_arrays(self, P_profile, T_profile): interpolator = interp1d(np.log10(P_profile), T_profile) self.temperatures = interpolator(np.log10(self.pressures))
[docs] def set_isothermal(self, T_day): self.temperatures = np.ones(len(self.pressures)) * T_day
[docs] def set_parametric(self, T0, P1, alpha1, alpha2, P3, T3): '''Parametric model from''' P0 = np.min(self.pressures) ln_P2 = alpha2**2*(T0+np.log(P1/P0)**2/alpha1**2 - T3) - np.log(P1)**2 + np.log(P3)**2 ln_P2 /= 2 * np.log(P3/P1) P2 = np.exp(ln_P2) T2 = T3 - np.log(P3/P2)**2/alpha2**2 self.temperatures = np.zeros(len(self.pressures)) for i, P in enumerate(self.pressures): if P < P1: self.temperatures[i] = T0 + np.log(P/P0)**2 / alpha1**2 elif P < P3: self.temperatures[i] = T2 + np.log(P/P2)**2 / alpha2**2 else: self.temperatures[i] = T3 return P2, T2
[docs] def set_from_opacity(self, T_irr, info_dict, visible_cutoff=0.8e-6, T_int=100): wavelengths = info_dict["unbinned_wavelengths"] d_lambda = np.diff(wavelengths) d_lambda = np.append(d_lambda[0], d_lambda) # Convert stellar spectrum from photons/time to energy/time stellar_spectrum = info_dict["stellar_spectrum"] * h * c / wavelengths # Convert planetary spectrum from energy/time/wavelength to energy/time planet_spectrum = info_dict["planet_spectrum"] * d_lambda absorption_coeffs = info_dict["absorption_coeff_atm"] radii = info_dict["radii"] # Equation 49 here: visible = wavelengths < visible_cutoff thermal = wavelengths >= visible_cutoff n = info_dict["P_profile"]/k_B/info_dict["T_profile"] intermediate_n = (n[0:-1] + n[1:])/2.0 sigmas = absorption_coeffs / n[:, np.newaxis] sigma_v = np.median(np.average(sigmas[:, visible], axis=1, weights=stellar_spectrum[visible])) sigma_th = np.median(np.average(sigmas[:, thermal], axis=1, weights=planet_spectrum[thermal])) gamma = sigma_v / sigma_th dr = -np.diff(radii) d_taus = sigma_th * intermediate_n * dr taus = np.cumsum(d_taus) e2 = scipy.special.expn(2, gamma*taus) T4 = 3.0/4 * T_int**4 * (2.0/3 + taus) + 3.0/4 * T_irr**4 * (2.0/3 + 2.0/3/gamma * (1 + (gamma*taus/2 - 1)*np.exp(-gamma * taus)) + 2.0*gamma/3 * (1 - taus**2/2) * e2) T = T4 ** 0.25 self.temperatures = np.append(T[0], T)
[docs] def set_from_radiative_solution(self, T_star, Rs, a, Mp, Rp, beta, log_k_th, log_gamma, log_gamma2=None, alpha=0, T_int=100, **ignored_kwargs): '''From Line et al. 2013:, Equation 13 - 16''' k_th = 10.0**log_k_th gamma = 10.0**log_gamma gamma2 = 10.0**log_gamma2 g = G * Mp / Rp**2 T_eq = beta * np.sqrt(Rs/(2*a)) * T_star taus = k_th * self.pressures / g def incoming_stream_contribution(gamma): return 3.0/4 * T_eq**4 * (2.0/3 + 2.0/3/gamma * (1 + (gamma*taus/2 - 1)*np.exp(-gamma * taus)) + 2.0*gamma/3 * (1 - taus**2/2) * scipy.special.expn(2, gamma*taus)) e1 = incoming_stream_contribution(gamma) T4 = 3.0/4 * T_int**4 * (2.0/3 + taus) + (1 - alpha) * e1 if gamma2 is not None: e2 = incoming_stream_contribution(gamma2) T4 += alpha * e2 self.temperatures = T4 ** 0.25